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Prove Equipotential Bonding

- According to DIN EN 50310

EMCheck® MWMZ II - Measurement without interruption

From the perspective of automation technology, the function of equipotential bonding is not questioned because the functionality is assumed, and the contact points are mostly seen in the low voltage system. However, a secure and solid working communication network, including the bus system, is related with the function of the equipotential bonding. Straying currents and currents of higher frequency which are often caused by frequency converters, mostly use the shield of our data cable as return current flow instead of the intended equipotential bonding system.

Meet the requirements of DIN EN 50310: PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI).

Relying only on gut feeling or making intuitive judgments about the quality of existing shielding and grounding measures is rarely a good idea. The only way to ensure good equipotential bonding is proof by measurement. The resistance measuring clamp EMCheck® MWMZ II is the right tool for this purpose. In this way, you meet the requirements of DIN EN 50310, which are cited in the new guideline "Functional potential equalization and shielding of PROFIBUS and PROFINET" - from the World Association PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI).

How it works

EMCheck® MWMZ II consists of two coils. The first coil induces a voltage of a defined level and with a defined frequency of 2083 Hz. The second coil measures the current induced by coil one in the set frequency range. The ratio of these two values is used to determine and display the alternating current resistance (impedance). The measurement is made without any interruption and can also be carried on conductors which already carry currents during their normal operation.

EMCheck MWMZ II features

• Measurement of earth loop resistance and earth loop inductivity
• First time: Display of contact voltage
• Warning when dangerous voltage is detected
• Registration of up to 300 measurements including time stamp
• Easy handling to keep the clamp open
• Good visibility of all displayed data via OLED display

Now available for 10% off thru the end of 2024!
Order Details:

Item # 122010010 - EMCheck® MWMZ II – (Code MWMZ10%)
Contact person:

Brian Nolen
Lindh Automation
Phone: +46 406 368 038
Ås­gatan 33
28232 Tyringe
Skåne län
Grundat: 2016
Anställda: 2
Välkommen till Mattias Lindh Automation AB

Mitt mål är att ständigt hålla den egna kompetensen och kunnandet på allra högsta nivå för att skapa mervärde för dig som kund.

Hög teknisk kompetens, med 20 års erfarenhet av programutveckling till olika automations system på marknaden. Jobbar med kända leverantörer som Siemens, Rockwell, Mitsubishi, Beijer.

För att lyckas fullt ut med ett automations projekt krävs att rätt personer med rätt erfarenhet och kunnande utför idriftagningen.

Mitt mål ar att genom min erfarenhet och kompetens sälja expert konsulttjänster i absolut toppklass. Jag jobbar mot att bygga upp långvariga kundrelationer.

Det är svårt för enskilda företag att hänga med i utvecklingen. Nya system utvecklas och ersätter gamla. Jag kan erbjuda anpassad utbildning i SIEMENS Tia portal och hjälpa dig och ditt företag att flytta in i den nya utvecklingsmiljön.

Välkommen att kontakta oss!

Relaterade sökord



Mattias Lindh
VD, Senior Automation Engineer
Brian Nolen
+46 406 368 038


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