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Lindh Automation Celebrates 35 years

- of PROFIBUS technology!
Sudden, non-reproducible events. . . What now?

PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT: “Warning before failure”

Efficient BUS-analysis for Proactive & Preventative Maintenance

PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT is a permanent decentralized data monitor that can be installed in your PROFIBUS system without any configuration effort. The permanent monitoring of data traffic enables early detection of weak points and makes it visible in the device matrix or directly in the stored topology plan in the integrated web browser.
The trigger messages can be integrated into a higher-level management system or they can be accessed via a potential-free contact as a message to the PLC.

Automatic alerts for PROFIBUS errors

As soon as a threshold value is exceeded, PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT creates an alarm to warn the operator in time so that they can carry out targeted, planned maintenance action. Warnings can be given in several ways. An LED on the PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT shows immediately which errors occurred in the network. In addition to this warning, a potential contact can be connected, e.g. to send a message directly to the control system. The third option is to send an email to inform the responsible maintenance team as soon as possible.
By accessing the web interface of the PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT, a detailed alarm list shows which error occurred on which device together with a time stamp. In addition, it records which event (threshold value) triggered the alarm. The internal memory makes it possible to record up to 2000 alarm messages, and each alarm is assigned a snapshot of up to 1000 PROFIBUS telegrams.

The easy start for permanent network monitoring

The compact PROFIBUS INspektor® NT is the simplest solution for decentralized data collecting for PROFIBUS networks. Without any special configuration effort, the device is immediately ready to use to record all the characteristic logic quality parameters of your PROFIBUS project. Based on this, you can maintain and service your PROFIBUS system on demand. Reduce maintenance costs and efforts with permanent PROFIBUS monitoring using INspektor® NT from Indu-Sol and Lindh Automation.

Exclusive: Free loan for testing
Take advantage of a free loan and secure the anniversary discount of 35% when you purchase the item.

We look forward to supporting you in optimizing your PROFIBUS networks and developing your expertise. Learn more about PROFIBUS here.

Your contact person:
Brian Nolen
Phone: +46 406 368 038

Order now and secure this 35% discount on PROFIBUS INspektor® NT
*offer good thru October (2024.10.31) and refers to the current list price for the PROFIBUS INspektor® NT
Ås­gatan 33
28232 Tyringe
Skåne län
Grundat: 2016
Anställda: 2
Välkommen till Mattias Lindh Automation AB

Mitt mål är att ständigt hålla den egna kompetensen och kunnandet på allra högsta nivå för att skapa mervärde för dig som kund.

Hög teknisk kompetens, med 20 års erfarenhet av programutveckling till olika automations system på marknaden. Jobbar med kända leverantörer som Siemens, Rockwell, Mitsubishi, Beijer.

För att lyckas fullt ut med ett automations projekt krävs att rätt personer med rätt erfarenhet och kunnande utför idriftagningen.

Mitt mål ar att genom min erfarenhet och kompetens sälja expert konsulttjänster i absolut toppklass. Jag jobbar mot att bygga upp långvariga kundrelationer.

Det är svårt för enskilda företag att hänga med i utvecklingen. Nya system utvecklas och ersätter gamla. Jag kan erbjuda anpassad utbildning i SIEMENS Tia portal och hjälpa dig och ditt företag att flytta in i den nya utvecklingsmiljön.

Välkommen att kontakta oss!

Relaterade sökord



Mattias Lindh
VD, Senior Automation Engineer
Brian Nolen
+46 406 368 038


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